Jamie O’Brien Tweet of the Day

Who is J.O.B.? The guy who is always trying to stir shit with WCT surfers, that’s who.

Here are his latest attempts… I guess not enough WCT were out there surfing Jaws when the Christmas Eve swell hit, and so they are now all “pussies.” And Joel Parkinson would be the biggest pussy if the rankings were reversed? Or is this still a shot at Kelly?

JOB Tweet


Anyway, if you remember, this isn’t the first time that Jamie O’Brien has called out WCT surfers for not surfing when the waves get big.

Too bad this time Dane Reynolds didn’t put J.O.B. in his place by telling him to shut the fuck up.

Jamie O’Brien Tweets of the Day

Because Jamie O’Brien tweets deserve a post of their own…

More on his “rivalry” with Kelly Slater. A shot across the bow, via retweet:

“I bet you a Mahi Mahi @whoisjob that @johnjohnflorenc goes further then @kellyslater and someone will use the flu card…”

On relevance:
“If you don’t have ups and downs in life your dead to me”
On fashion:
“bring back pubes”