“FAGS!!!”, Matt Wilkinson is Not Politically Correct

Accompanying this Instagram pic posted by Matt Wilkinson on Twitter was the caption “Fags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Imagine if any other pro athlete in a mainstream sport said this. They’d be tarred and feathered in the media. Like if Lebron James jokingly called Chris Bosh and Mike Miller “Fags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” over Twitter, talk shows, radio hosts, and everyone else in the media would have a field day. Nike would drop Lebron or at the very least he’d be forced to give a very earnest apology.

But I guess that’s why we like surfing. It’s still kinda on the cusp, and surfers are not politically correct. And so we have snorkeling.

Jamie O’Brien Tweets of the Day

Because Jamie O’Brien tweets deserve a post of their own…

More on his “rivalry” with Kelly Slater. A shot across the bow, via retweet:

“I bet you a Mahi Mahi @whoisjob that @johnjohnflorenc goes further then @kellyslater and someone will use the flu card…”

On relevance:
“If you don’t have ups and downs in life your dead to me”
On fashion:
“bring back pubes”

Jamie O’Brien Tweets of the Day

In no particular order and for no particular reason, here are Jamie O’Brien tweets of the day:

As the Volcom Fiji Pro kicks off…

@NodBesson not saying i would win but, I would shit on fools, then wipe my ass with @aspworldtour !!!!”

“free surfing is the best because after surfers are done with the qs/ct surfers retire, And become a free surfer I must be one step ahead”

“Free surfing is winning”

His “rivalry” with Kelly Slater…

@kellyslater get ready for little John he is coming in hot !!!”

On other potential rivals….

“If you hate on my grammar then fuck you and have a nice day !”

Travis Logie Blasts Surf Media

On Twitter, Travis Logie took the time to blast the surf media saying:

“funny how websites and mags get so called experts to give there opinion on the tour guys. most of these ‘experts’ can’t even surf for shit”

Not sure what Logie was responding to, maybe the media’s coverage of upcoming Fiji event. But why does he care, it’s not like anybody is writing anything about him.

Anyway, Logie needs to learn that half the experts in sports, politics, stamp collecting, etc. aren’t particularly proficient at the thing they’re covering. Like Stephen A. Smith can’t dunk. George Stephanopoulos can’t lead a country. And most surf writers can’t surf like Slater.

Jamie O’Brien ASP Fight: Keeps Fighting the Fight

I’m still not sure what Jamie O’Brien’s beef is with the ASP. But J.O.B. again tweeted something last night about the ASP present [sic] being a “great liar”. At this point, this may just be a “rebellious” surfer saying rebellious things to remain relevant.

Rebel or not, this J.O.B. trailer still gets my adrenaline going.